Friday 5 April 2013

Health Academy enrichment day

Newcastle-under-Lyme College (NULC) Health Academy students took part in an enrichment day at the University Hospital North Staffordshire (UHNS). 

Students took part in a 'speed dating' type session with a range of professionals to find out about the different roles available and how to progress into them as a career.  Students also had an afternoon of play with prosthetic arms where they got a chance to try cannulation, venepuncture, intramuscular injections and blood pressure monitoring in a clinical setting.

To find out more about courses at NULC visit or contact the Information Point on 01782 254254 or

Friday 22 March 2013

Students visit ice skating rink

Level 2 Health and Social Care students recently visited Telford ice skating rink.  During their course they study creative and therapeutic activities for service users and they took part in ice skating so that they could appreciate the benefits and difficulties when caring for others.  Students also observed young children and wheelchair users who were pushed around on ice chairs!

The visit has enabled students to appreciate the importance and benefits of social activities for those that they may be caring for in the future.

All students had a great time and escaped with only one extremely minor injury!

To find out more about courses at NULC visit or contact the Information Point on 01782 254254 or